The Love You Give Page 8
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, but I’m not going to tell you now. Spend some time with your friend.”
“I’ll see you later, okay.”
I watched him as he walked away. He turned around, giving me a cocky, yet sincere smile before heading to the elevator. Honestly, I didn’t know how that smile was possible, but he made it possible.
I leaned against the wall, wondering what was going on. From the early morning talk to showing me his favorite spot, and now this interaction, it was making me wonder how things would be between us during our future interactions. I didn’t need any more confusion right now, especially since Cory was not fully out of my life.
Now I had to wonder if the plan I made was a terrible mistake.
Once I left Aaron’s, I didn’t know where I was going. The entire breakfast was a disaster and I just needed to forget about that moment with my family. I needed an escape and, for some reason, I ended up at Kia’s hotel room. I didn’t know why she was the first thought that came to mind, but it was a mistake going there. I didn’t need any confusion in my life right now. With finding out that Christmas would be at my house and Melissa might be there, I didn’t need to be thinking or doing any crazy thoughts.
I didn’t want to go home, so I headed to the club to go over some more paperwork. Maybe that could get my mind off of things. I was staring at my computer screen when there was a knock at the door. I glanced at the cameras, wondering who that could be since it was too early for anyone to be at work. When I saw it was Kia, I told her to come in.
The door slowly opened and she appeared. She gave a concerned look as she approached the desk.
“How did you know I was here?”
She shrugged. “I just took a chance. I couldn’t figure out anywhere else you could be.”
“I thought you were spending time with your friend?”
“I wanted to check on you. You seemed kind of out of it when you stopped by my room. That, and my friend was knocked out as soon as she laid down on the bed.”
“Okay. But, you really wanted to check on me?”
Kia gave me a warm smile, which made me smile. What the hell was she doing to me?
“I did. You weren’t your usual cocky self, so I knew it had to been something.”
“I just had a crazy morning, that’s all.”
“And you wanted to see me?”
I shrugged. “I guess because you’re just as messed up as I am.”
Kia gave me a crazed look. “Seriously?”
“Well, you fled from your fiancé so, yes, you’re just as messed up.”
“I guess you have a point there.”
I got up from my seat and came over to Kia. She looked a bit nervous as I got closer to her. “Don’t be nervous.”
“I shouldn’t be, but there’s something about you.”
“What’s that?”
“That’s what I’m trying to find out. My life is already fucked up and you’re making it even more complicated.”
“How is that?”
“Just you standing here, looking the way you’re looking.”
I chuckled. “Seriously.”
“I know you’re feeling the same way about me.”
“I don’t have to fake a relationship. I’m single, remember.”
“But, you want to get with me. Just admit it, Cane. You want me. That’s why you came by my room earlier.”
She wasn’t lying about that. I did want her, but that wasn’t the reason why I came by. “There’s more to why I came by. I just needed to talk to someone, that’s all.”
Kia stared at me and I took a deep breath. “I have a hard time opening up to people but, with you, it seems as if I can easily talk to you.”
“You barely know me, Cane.”
“I know, that’s why I’m finding it hard to believe that I’m talking to you the way that I am.” I put my hand around Kia’s waist and she didn’t back away. I stared into her eyes, as they gave away the lust she was feeling for me. She couldn’t deny it, she wanted me, just like I wanted her.
“You know I want you, Kia, there’s no denying that.”
“But, we can’t be together. Not only because of the club, but because of Cory and-”
“I’m not thinking about the club, or Cory,” I said. I pulled Kia closer to me, feeling how soft her skin was against mine. My lips were close to her neck, smelling the hazelnut scent she was wearing. I could hear her breathing softly against me, as my dick immediately rose.
“The only thing I’m thinking about right now is being close to you, feeling your skin against mine, kissing you all over your body.”
“Cane,” she whispered. She was growing weak with desire while my hands went down her back.
“I want to feel the wetness between your thighs, hear you say my name over and over again. I want to make you feel good in every way possible.”
“I want you too.”
“Do you want me to?”
“Yes, Cane.”
I wrapped my arms around her and my lips connected with hers with such intensity. Just that connection with her was what I wanted and needed since the first time we kissed. It was something that I was craving.
I pulled away from her, wondering what her reaction would be. She gave a sweet smile as she put her hands on the back of my neck. We continued to kiss, feeling the sensation that was building up between us. My lips left hers and went towards her neck, giving her subtle kisses to her shoulder blade. She gave a sinful sigh when I turned her around, making her face the wall. My hands guided its way under her dress, massaging her back to her ass while she continued to moan. Damn, she sounded sexy.
I pushed her hair to the side with one hand while the other was seductively roaming her body. She lowered her head while closing her eyes, sighing in pure bliss. My fingers continued lingering underneath her dress, landing on the part that I wanted to explore.
“Hmm, you’re not wearing any panties.”
“I normally don’t.”
My lips nibbled on her earlobe as my fingers began massaging her clit. She rolled her neck, giving me sweet sounds that had me wanting to do a lot more.
“I want you, Cane,” she admitted through a fit of moans.
“How bad do you want me?”
She turned around and began unbuttoning my shirt. She slipped it off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Her hands slowly went down my chest before her tongue took over, licking my skin like it was an ice cream cone.
She led me over to the sofa near the window, as I pulled her dress off. I stared at her body, which looked beautiful under the dim lights. She pushed me onto the sofa and unbuttoned my jeans. I kicked them off and grabbed her, putting my hands through her hair. Our kisses became intense and passionate as she straddled me. As soon as our bodies connected, it felt as if an out of body experience went through me. I stared at her, wondering if she felt it too.
“Did you-”
“I did,” Kia said.
This was something I’d never felt before, a connection with someone that was more than just sex. Was it love or just a desire that the two of us had never experienced before? Whatever it was, it was something that I didn’t want to end…
I opened my eyes while staring ahead, wondering what the hell just happened. I looked down at my clothes, seeing they were still intact. I slowly looked around, seeing Kia wasn’t there. Was I just dreaming that? Damn, it felt real.
I pushed myself to my desk, running my hand through my hair, wishing that really did happen. I never denied that I was sexually attracted to Kia, but what I dreamt was more than that. I took a deep breath, knowing I needed to get back to reality and with the issues that I was facing with my family. Not even sex could erase the craziness that they were putting me through. Well, mainly Aaron and his crazy wife.
The door opened from my private
restroom and Karla walked out. She gave me a crazed look, which had me rolling my eyes.
“What the hell are you doing in my office?”
“Calm down, tiger. I came up here to look for a report, but you were too busy daydreaming about Kia, so I was going to wait around, but I had to use the bathroom.”
“How much did you hear?”
Karla gave a wicked smile, and I frowned. “I never knew you to be the daydreaming type. You normally just live out your fantasies with a woman.”
I ran my hand through my hair again and sighed. “Let’s just say Kia is hard to get.”
“Why are you even trying to pursue her since I told you not to?”
“It’s complicated, Karla. Anyway, did she mention anything to you about the other night?”
“What about the other night? Even though it was strange how she was gone for a long time.”
I didn’t want to tell Karla about Kia’s ex popping up. I figured that’s not my place to say it.
“Well, hopefully everything is okay with her. But, what about you? Besides the dream, you seemed kind of out of it earlier.”
I played with a pen that was on the desk, wondering if I wanted to talk to Karla about it. Karla was like a little sister to me, so she had seen me at my best and my worst. She never tried to lecture me about my family, nor would she ever. She just wanted me to make better choices with the women that I pursued.
“Everything’s cool. Just have a lot on my mind. But whatever report you’re looking for, just look for it. I have some stuff I need to do.”
Karla went over to my desk and picked up a few papers. She found what she was looking for before staring at me.
“Whatever you got going on, I hope you figure it out. If you want to talk about it, you can. You know where I’ll be.”
I didn’t even respond as Karla walked out. I sighed and threw the pen across the room. Honestly, I didn’t even know what was going on with me, especially with my thoughts about Kia. Hopefully, I’d get it together soon.
Once I was able to get Brooke settled, I had to get ready for work. I mentioned to Brooke she could meet me at the club later if she wanted to get out of the room. Of course she agreed, but I told her I could only give her one drink for free; the rest she had to pay for.
I didn’t feel like driving, so I grabbed an Uber to Visions. I should have cleared my mind about everything, but I figured no matter how I got to work, I still had to think about the fact that Cory was in Tyler and I’d more likely see him again. I just didn’t know when.
I approached the club, seeing Cory’s car sitting in the parking lot. I took a deep breath, praying that he didn’t see me, but I knew I had to get out of my Uber soon.
“Miss, this is your destination, right?”
I looked ahead at the driver and nodded. “Yes, sorry.” I gave the guy a cash tip before getting out. Maybe if I went through the back way, he wouldn’t see me.
I was halfway to the door when I heard my name. I looked up to the heavens, wishing Jade never told Cory anything about my whereabouts. I slowly turned around to see him staring at me.
“Cory, I told you not to come back to my job.”
“I figured this is the only way I would see you. We need to talk.”
“There’s nothing more to talk about. We said everything we had to say last night.”
“No, we didn’t. Kia, we have a long history together and we can’t end that in just a conversation.”
“I told you why I left.”
“Which I don’t believe. There’s no way you would be with someone else, that’s why there’s more to this than what you’re telling me.”
“There’s nothing more to tell, Cory. I cheated on you and I came down here to be with him. I just want you to move on with your life.”
“And I will, once you tell me the truth.”
“Damn, you again. She said to leave her alone.”
I turned around to see Cane approaching us. I turned to stare at Cory, who looked quite pissed.
“This has nothing to do with you, so go back to where you came from.”
“I’m not leaving my girl, so you can leave. She said she doesn’t want to talk, so why you can’t understand that.”
“Because she’s my fiancée. If I need to talk to her, I will,” Cory said as he got closer to Cane.
I sighed, wishing this didn’t have to come to this. “Cory, I feel as if we have grew apart in so many ways. I wanted us to be together, but I’m not happy. Cane makes me happy. He has shown me so much in such a short period of time. That’s why I left, because I think it’s best for us to see what else is out there. Cory, please, just go. Don’t come back and please don’t contact me. I’ll send the ring back to you when you return to Houston.”
Cory shook his head. “This is how you’re going to be?”
“This is not fake, Cory.”
“I just wish you would be woman enough to tell me the truth because I know you, and I know you wouldn’t randomly cheat on me. That’s not you.”
“Well, maybe you didn’t know me as well as you thought.”
Cory nodded. “Maybe I didn’t. I’ll be leaving out tomorrow morning so, if you did want to talk things through, then just call me. I’ll meet you wherever you want.”
“Thanks. Bye, Cory.”
He mean mugged Cane before heading to his car. I turned to stare at Cane, who gave me a disappointed look.
“He was right about one thing. You should be woman enough to admit your frustrations. It would explain a lot to why you came here.”
“You don’t even know why I came here.”
“He’s part of it. Now, I will say to talk to him before he leaves and have a clean slate. You would feel a lot better about things.”
I gave him a weird look and he smirked. “Now, it’s my turn to say what?”
“You actually gave some good advice. Thank you.”
“No problem, Kia.”
“But, let me get to work. I do have a crazy boss who probably will fire me if I don’t show up on time.”
Cane laughed. “I’m not that crazy. Am I?”
Kia smiled. “Maybe.”
“But before you go in, I was wondering if you would like to do something after work.”
“What can we possibly do at two in the morning?”
Cane’s eyes wandered down my body and I rolled my eyes. “Don’t answer that.”
“Seriously, I figured that’s the only way you’ll be able to do anything, but it’s a surprise, so you won’t know until later. Besides, I need to tell you what I want you to do for my part of the deal.”
“I might not be needing you too much longer, especially since Cory is leaving town.”
“Too bad, because I was just getting started with our fake relationship.”
“How’s so?’
Cane smiled. “You’ll never know, will you.”
He winked before heading back inside. I watched the back door close and sighed. Although I was curious to see what Cane’s surprise was, I didn’t know if I’d agree to it.
I looked up to the heavens again, asking God for guidance. I knew I had a lot to deal with regarding Cory, but I also needed some type of fun and Cane could be the person to do it. I just hope I didn’t be the one getting hurt by it.
Now that I told Kia that I had a late-night date planned, I had to figure out what we’d be doing. I could figure out a lot of things to do, but I was sure Kia wouldn’t go for it, so I needed to make a plan that she would enjoy.
Since Brooke came to the club, I had Karla show her around while Kia covered the bar. I liked Brooke and even tried to talk to her about Kia, but she wouldn’t give me any answers. I guess she figured Kia had enough relationship drama in her life. I didn’t want a relationship at the moment; I just wanted to get to know Kia.
Once we closed the club, I got Brooke an Uber for
her to go back to Kia’s room. As Karla and Kia were cleaning up, I checked to see if everything was in place before heading over to Kia. I looked over at Karla, who was too busy putting up glasses to notice me around Kia.
“You ready for our late-night date?”
Kia put down a glass and smiled. “I didn’t think this was a date.”
“It sort of is, but I just want to do something to get your mind off of things, that’s all.”
Kia looked away from me and wiped down the bar counter. I mentioned to meet me in the back once she was done before moving over to the tables. I didn’t want Karla to be suspicious of anything that I was doing because I didn’t want to hear it from her. I wasn’t in the mood for it.
Twenty minutes later, we were done with closing. I was sitting out in my car when I saw the back door open and Kia walked out. I smiled as she quickly got in.
“Okay, where are you taking me? And it better not be to your place.”
“What if it was?”
Kia gave a crazed look and I smiled. “Listen, we don’t have to, but I do have some things planned if you’re in the mood for it. And it’s not in the sexual sense. But if you’re for that type of fun, then I’m all for it.”
Kia rolled her eyes and I smirked. “I take that as a no. But if you did, I promise it’ll be worth your while.”
“Okay, can’t say I didn’t try.”
Kia sighed. “Okay, I’ll go to your place, but only on one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“You tell me what you have planned.”
“I said it was surprise.”
“That’s the only way I’m going.”
I nodded. “Fine, we’re going to have a good, old-fashioned sleepover.”
“You asked and I told you what we’re doing.”
Kia smiled. “If that’s what we’re doing, then it’s fine; but that’s all we’re doing.”
“That’s all, Kia.”
“Okay, then let’s go.”
I smiled and put the car in drive. We headed over to the other part of town, taking in the quiet streets as I zoomed through the freeway. I looked over at Kia, who had her head leaned back on the seat with her eyes closed, enjoying the drive. I smiled at the vision beside me. She was definitely a sight to behold.