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In Love With My Best Friend Page 6

  As we deepened our kiss, Camille drew me closer to her, causing her back to go up against the counter. I moved my hand underneath her shirt, sliding her bra up to feel her breast. She ran her fingers through my hair, which completely put me over the edge. I pulled her up so she could sit on the counter while I moved my hand up her thigh and under her skirt. I slithered my hand between the fabric of her lace panties, causing her to tremble.

  “We can’t do this here,” she lustfully whispered in my ear.

  “We can if we’re quiet,” I said as I kissed her neck.

  “This is your parents’ home. I won’t disrespect them like this,” she struggled to say while giving a tiny moan.

  The kitchen door swung open, causing me to turn around and Camille to jump off the counter.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Camille’s dad, Keith Anderson, asked.

  Camille gave an embarrassed stare at her father while trying to pull down her skirt. I turned my head, not sure what to say or do. “No, Dad. We’ll be out in a second,” she said softly.

  Mr. Anderson looked at the both of us with a disenchanted gaze before turning around and going back into the dining room.

  Camille went to the sink and washed her hands. She looked at me as she walked toward the door.

  “We can’t keep doing this.”

  “Camille, wait.”

  She walked out of the kitchen, leaving me unsure of how to explain what just happened to anyone, let alone to myself.


  When I finally regained my composure, among other things, I went out into the dining room for dinner.

  “Nice of you to finally come out of the kitchen. What were you doing in there?” my dad asked.

  “I have an idea,” Camille’s dad softly answered as he spooned some peas onto his plate.

  Camille looked at me while she sipped her iced tea.

  “Sorry I took so long,” I said while taking a bowl of mashed potatoes.

  “How’s the new job going, Trevor?” Claire asked while taking a bite of chicken.

  “It’s going good so far. I actually have a campaign to work on tomorrow, so that should keep me busy.

  “Too bad you and Chelsea can’t have a honeymoon since you started your new job. I know she’s probably upset about that,” my mom said.

  “No, she’s actually pretty cool about it. Besides, we’ll take one as soon I accrue vacation time.”

  “How is your fiancée doing, Trevor?” Keith asked in an irritable tone while giving me a hostile look.

  I looked at Camille’s dad, not sure whether I should answer his question or run and hide. Camille’s dad was a nice man, if you didn’t get on his bad side.

  I’m definitely on it now since I was feeling up his daughter in my parents’ kitchen.

  Everyone at the table, except Camille, noticed Keith’s tone. Claire gave him an odd glance, wondering what was going on.

  “Chelsea is fine. She’ll be here Wednesday.”

  “Good. Now you won’t be touching my daughter any longer.”

  “Keith!” Claire exclaimed.

  Camille put a hand to her face and sighed.

  “What are you talking about, Keith?” my dad asked.

  “I saw these two in the kitchen feeling each other up like no one would walk in on them. How long have you two been together?” “It’s not what you think, Dad,” Camille said.

  “I think I know what I saw. I may be old, but I’m not blind.”

  “OK, everyone, let’s just calm down and let the kids talk. Camille, Trevor, what’s going on?” my mom asked.

  Camille looked at me and took a deep breath. Before she could say anything, I jumped in, figuring this was mainly my fault. “Camille and I sort of discovered we have feelings for each other.”

  “When did this happen?” Claire asked while looking at Camille.

  “It’s been for a while; we just never admitted them to each other,” I said. I looked over at Camille, who looked completely embarrassed about the entire situation.

  “Wait, you two have feelings for each other? What about Chelsea?” my mom asked.

  “It’s complicated,” Camille said softly.

  “Peter, Amanda, I think we should take a rain check on dinner. We need to talk to our daughter,” Claire said as she gave Camille a stony glance.

  When Claire gave that stare to anyone, especially Camille, we knew she meant business. Camille quickly got up from the dinner table and said good-bye to my parents. She looked at me one last time before heading to the door with her parents.

  Once the door was closed, I turned to look at my parents. Although I was a grown man and could make decisions on my own, just the look on my parents’ faces made me feel like a little child.

  “Start talking,” my dad said.

  I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. I didn’t know what to possibly say to my parents that I couldn’t figure out for myself.

  “When I came back from Dallas, I started to realize that maybe my relationship with Camille should have been more than us being friends. I began to notice a change between us after the engagement party, especially when we started hanging out again. I think I had feelings for her way before the party; I just never wanted to admit them. We went out the other night and we sort of gave into our feelings.”

  “You two slept together?” my mom asked in a surprised tone.

  “We stopped before anything happened.”

  “Trevor, you’re getting married next weekend. Don’t you think you need to figure out where your feelings are before you walk down the aisle?” my dad asked.

  “I know that, but right now I don’t know what to think. I love Chelsea; I automatically knew she would become my wife someday. But with Camille, I feel so comfortable around her. She knows me inside and out. Not only is she extremely beautiful, but she is also smart and has a good heart. Being around her makes me a better person, someone that I want to continue being.”

  “Shouldn’t you be saying these things about Chelsea instead of Camille?” my dad implied

  “Honey, you know how much I like Chelsea; she’s a lovely girl. But I’ve noticed a different side of you when you’re with Camille. It seems as though you’re more alive and free around her. That’s a side I would love for you to continue having,” my mom said.

  “You’re not helping the situation, Amanda,” my dad replied as he gave her a stern look.

  My mom rolled her eyes at her husband. My parents always did that when they were having a disagreement. Camille did that too when I gave her one of my looks.

  “All I’m saying is do what you feel is right. You’re not married yet, so think long and hard about the decision you want to make before you end up regretting it. Your father and I will stand by you no matter who you choose.”

  I gave my parents a tiny smile as I stared out the window. I really had to figure out my priorities soon, before it was too late.

  Chapter 11



  nce returning to my parents’ home, the two immediately ganged up on me, trying to figure out what was going on between Trevor and me. I sighed as my mom went on and on about me trying to “ruin” Trevor’s relationship with Chelsea.

  “Do you think I want to do that to my friends? I feel terrible enough without your two opinions.”

  “Camille, we’re not trying to make you feel bad about the situation. We just wonder why you never admitted anything to him.”

  “Why is it your concern? This is something Trevor and I have to figure out, and we don’t need anyone else interfering,” I said. I started to walk out the door when my mom started to yell.

  “Camille Shanice Anderson, you get your butt back here and sit down, now!”

  I turned around and slowly walked back into the living room. I went to the nearest chair and sat down.

  “I don’t know who you think you’re talking to like that, but you’re going to show some respect in this house, you understand?”

nbsp; I nodded my head and sighed. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Baby, I know you’re grown and can figure things out on your own, but you have to realize this man is getting married next week. He’s already confused about the idea of marriage, but you springing this on him is only making things even more difficult.”

  “How is it difficult when he feels the same way? We both just decided to admit it at the wrong time.”

  “Have you thought about what this might do to Chelsea? She’s your friend also,” my dad said.

  “I think about it every day, but it’s not going to change how I feel about Trevor. Keeping my feelings to myself is what put us in this mess.”

  My mom went over to me and sat on the arm of the armchair. She put her arm around me and gave me a tight hug.

  “Sweetie, life sometimes can be unpredictable, no matter how much you try to plan and prioritize. The heart can also be unpredictable.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “The only thing I can say is go for what is right. If you feel Trevor is the one for you, then fight for him.”

  “A second ago you were saying to let my feelings go,” I said while looking at my mom.

  “I did, but sometimes in life, you have to go for what you want. I don’t know how the outcome will be, but at least you took the initiative to find out.”

  “Is this the right advice to be giving her?” my dad asked my mom. “Keith, life is too short for ‘what ifs.’ So yes, this is the perfect advice for the situation.”

  I smiled as I gave my mom another hug.

  “Besides, Trevor is a great man. I would love for you two to be together.”

  “So would I, Mom. So would I.”


  The weekend came and went, and I was back at work Monday morning staring at my computer. Since the incident at Trevor’s parents’ house, Trevor and I barely spoke to each other. It seemed as if when an incident between us occurred, we didn’t know how to address the issue. We couldn’t keep avoiding the situation. We had to find some sort of solution before the wedding.

  After realizing I wasn’t going to get much work done, I picked up my purse and headed to the door.

  “I’m taking an early lunch,” I said to Emily as I walked between the rows of cubicles.

  “OK. Are you meeting Trevor for lunch?” she said with a smile.

  “Yep, I am,” I said as I exited the department.

  At least the charade is still going. Hopefully he’s at home, I thought as I went to the elevator.

  Once I pulled up to Trevor’s condo, I noticed his silver BMW 535i parked outside. I got out of my car and used my remote to lock the door. I started to become nervous as I stood by the door. I wiped the sweat on my hands onto my pants and rang the doorbell.

  The door opened, revealing a shirtless Trevor on the other end. Just seeing him made me want to put my hands and lips on his body. I quickly pushed any sexual thoughts out of my mind as I stared at him.

  “Can I come in?”


  He moved to the side of the door so I could walk in. I stood by the entryway while I waited for him to close the door.

  “I know you have to get back to work, so I won’t stay long.”

  “Yeah, I just came to change my shirt. My campaign didn’t go as planned.”

  “What happened?”

  “I used props to try to get my point across to the client. Turns out my assistant shook up the soda cans by accident and once I opened it…”

  “It went everywhere,” I said, smiling.

  “Yeah. How did you know I was here?” he asked while slipping a lightblue button-down shirt around his shoulders.

  “I took a chance. We need to talk.”

  “I know. I wasn’t trying to avoid you after what happened; I was just trying to finish my campaign.”

  “I understand, but if it wasn’t your campaign, it would have been something else. Trevor, we can’t keep avoiding the situation. We really need to talk about what’s going on between us.”

  Trevor sighed as he went into his living room and sat down. I followed him and took a seat beside him.

  “I’ve been thinking about it all weekend and while I was at work.” said Trevor.

  “Trevor, I need to know what is going to happen with us. Your wedding is this weekend.”

  “Cam, so much is going through my head right now about you and Chelsea and the wedding that I’m not sure how to comprehend everything.”

  “When you mentioned that your feelings for me had changed, were you ever going to say anything about it or push them aside and marry Chelsea? If I didn’t mention anything to you about my feelings, were you ever going to mention yours to me?”

  Trevor ran his hand through his hair. He put his head in his hands and sighed.

  “Please tell me. Would you just marry Chelsea as if nothing ever occurred?”

  “I don’t know. When I think about everything and the years Chelsea and I have been together, I feel that marrying her would be the logical solution; but when I look at what we have, our friendship and possibly a relationship, I want to explore where we could go as a couple. I want to be able to be with you, but I don’t know if I can.”

  “Are you telling me that you feel obligated to marry Chelsea?

  “That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that I have feelings for you but for Chelsea too. I can’t just turn my feelings off for her because I have feelings for you too.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to, but I would like to know if you would be willing to stop this wedding if you wanted us to be together.”

  Trevor looked at me as he got up from the couch. He went over to the bay window and stared at the view of downtown Houston. I went over to him and put my arms around his waist while putting my head onto his back.

  “Trevor, we’ve always been friends before anything else. I don’t want our friendship to be gone because we couldn’t have a romantic relationship. Our friendship means too much to me for that.”

  “I agree Cam, but what if that’s not enough? I don’t want to hurt you, but I don’t want to hurt Chelsea either.”

  Once Trevor uttered those words, I knew where his priorities were. As much as I hated to hear those words, I understood where he was coming from. I tried to hold back my tears as Trevor turned around to face me. He put his hands on my face and stared into my eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Camille,” he said as he tried to fight back his own tears.

  “I understand. You had to make the right decision for you,” I said quietly.

  I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer as they started to flow down my cheeks. Trevor stepped closer to me as he pressed his lips to my face, trying to erase my tears through his kisses.

  “I hate to see you like this,” he gently said.

  He continued to kiss my tears as they streamed down my face. I couldn’t stop them as I let out a light sob.

  “I’ll understand if you don’t want to be Chelsea’s maid of honor…”

  “Don’t, Trevor. I will still be at the wedding. Like I said, we were friends before all this; I still want us to be friends.”

  Trevor nodded his head as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

  I let go of Trevor’s embrace as I headed into the direction of the door.

  “I better let you go. I need to get back to work.”

  “Will you be OK?”

  “I’ll be fine,” I said as I picked up my purse that was sitting on the couch.

  Before I could even get to the door, Trevor took my hand and pulled me back to him. He pushed some hair from my face, causing goose bumps to form on my arms. He leaned into me and began to kiss me, making me even more confused. Why was he doing this to me when he clearly stated he was marrying Chelsea?

  At that point, I didn’t care as I pressed my lips roughly onto his. I quickly removed Trevor’s shirt from his shoulders, while he tore off my peach-colored blouse, causing several of the buttons to pop off and scatter around the floor.<
br />
  We walked toward Trevor’s bedroom, discarding pieces of clothing and shoes in the living room and hallway. We lost our balance toward the bed, falling instantly onto the dark-blue comforter. Trevor gave me a hungry glance as he kissed my neck. He traveled toward my chest, unhooking my bra in the process. My body shuddered as he moved his way down to my stomach, pressing his soft lips firmly onto my abs and navel. I began to moan as he planted short kisses on my thighs. He moved back to my face and kissed me again. I lightly bit his lip, causing him to give his own moan. I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands between my fingertips. We rolled over on the bed, initiating me on top. I glided my tongue down Trevor’s chest, causing him to flinch with pleasure as he drew me closer to him to give me a kiss.

  My mind suddenly snapped back to reality, and I stopped kissing Trevor and stared straight into his beautiful brown eyes. Although the feeling we were giving each other was astonishing, it was not going to change the fact that he was marrying Chelsea on Saturday.

  “What are we doing?”

  “I think you know what we’re doing?”

  “If we make love right now, you will still go back to Chelsea. As much as I want to, I can’t do that to myself.”

  I got up from the bed and retrieved my bra from the floor. As I was putting it on, Trevor came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders.


  “Stop, Trevor! You can’t have it both ways.”

  Trevor sighed as I proceeded to the hallway. I picked up my pants and shoes and walked over to the couch. I noticed my tattered blouse, realizing I couldn’t wear it back to work.

  As if he read my mind, Trevor handed me a white T-shirt.

  “Thank you,” I said as I put it over my head. I straightened my hair, putting my curls back into place.

  “I’m sorry, Cam.”